Thursday, December 27, 2012

After searching for a month for a front door we ended up getting a good one. What's left to do is the trim around the outside and varnishing the door with Spar Varnish. Chris C. will do the outside trim and I'll do the Spar Varnishing. I already stained it.

The trenching contractor is here today covering some of the trenches he dug this past Saturday and Sunday.  He glued and installed the water line on Sunday so he's covering it today.  Still to go is the sewer line, gas (propane) line, and the electric line going to the shed in back.  Janice and I are waiting for AT&T to come fix a cut land line wire.  They trenched across it.  We've been using our cell phone to communicate but it's difficult getting a signal out here.
The insulation is up on the walls.  This is looking
towards the Kitchen and Formal Dining.  The window on
the right is over the kitchen sink.  The framed area
without insulation is the pantry.

Looking down the Sewer line trench (I'm standing over the Septic Tank). 
To the left are the trenches for the gas line and electric line going to the shed. 
The water line is not visible.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The insulation guys arrived Saturday and did a great job.  I'll take some pictures of the inside tomorrow and post them.  Tomorrow Janice and I have to sweep up the inside and lay out thick paper over the floor.  This is to protect the floor when they sheetrock.  When Janice and I finish I'll call the guys and they'll come to install the sheetrock.  After the sheetrock they'll tape, float, and texture the walls.  After that they will put the insulation in the ceiling.

Another sunset from the porch.
It rained last night, HOORAH!
It woke me up twice last night, it was a good rain.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The electrical is finished (with the exception of some in the ceiling).  The insulation guys will probably be here this week to install insulation in the walls.
We are going to see where we can rent a buffer for the floor and a trencher to dig the sewer and water lines.  We also have to dig a trench to the shed.

Sunset last night.  From the front porch.
Sunset when the cold front was coming in.
 Also from the front porch

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We're at a stand still again.  I had the insulation guys here two days ago and received a good bid.  The sheet rock folks will come in after them, I haven't received a bid from them yet.  Then, the insulation guys come back and do the taping, floating, and texture. 
The only thing we're waiting for now is for the electrical to finished.  Once it's done, then the insulation begins.